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Dental implants

Dental implants are replacement tooth roots. Dental Implants provide a strong foundation for permanent or removable prosthesis (replacement teeth) that are made to match your natural teeth. They are manufactured from biologically neutral pure Titanium that is accepted by the human body and these implants fuse with the jawbone to form a secure foundation for tooth replacement.


Benefits of Dental Implants


  • Improved self-esteem and increased quality of life

  • Reduce size and construct a more natural functional bridge or denture

  • No need to trim the adjacent teeth to form the conventional bridge

  • The solid anchorage of the dental implant will allow you to increase your chewing pressure, so eat anything you want

  • Improves speech as compared to having dentures

  • Improved comfort relative to removable dentures

  • Prevent further loss of teeth and bone support

  • Improved and younger, natural appearance

  • Improved oral health

  • Durability. Implants are very durable and have expected lifelong replacement for lost tooth

  • No slipping, sliding clicking dentures or worrying about your dentures popping out in embarrassing situations


Dental Restoration Types

There are three basic types of dental implant restoration: Classify by the amount of missing tooth or teeth

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Single tooth replacement

A single tooth implant with ceramic crown is the best permanent replacement when both the tooth and root are damaged. This solution both looks and functions just like a natural tooth.

The most common method for replacing a single missing tooth is with a fixed bridge which cemented to the teeth on either side of a missing tooth. With all fixed bridges the teeth adjacent to the space must be reduced to properly hold the bridge. The most conservative bridge is a Resin-Bonded Bridge (RBB), sometimes called a Maryland bridge. The resin-Bonded Bridge offers the advantage of minimal reduction of adjacent teeth to support the missing tooth. This type of bridge can only be used under certain circumstances.

A conventional bridge requires that the teeth on either side of the space be reduced in size to take room for crown which is then cemented onto the prepared teeth. The artificial replacement tooth is attached to these crowns prior to cementation. When properly maintained, the resin bonded bridge and the conventional bridge can last many years.

Implants can be considered to replace a single tooth. Often when the teeth on either side of the space are in good health, an implant may be the most conservative means of replacing the missing teeth because the adjacent teeth do not have to be reduced.

The single tooth implant restoration consists of three parts. Namely, the implant post which replaces the tooth root, the abutment which will support the crown, and the prosthetic crown itself. The crown is either cemented onto the abutment or held in place with a screw.


Treatment step for single tooth implant restoration


The course of treatment described here is one of several options available. Consult your dentist to find out what the best solution is for you, given your specific condition.


Installing Single Implant

1: Before the procedure
The dentist makes a first examination and takes one or more x-rays of the area to prepare for the procedure.

2: Installing the implant
The implant is installed. At this stage, if conventional implants are done, a healing abutment or cover screw is placed on and left about 2 months to integrate with the jawbone before the next step is taken. If immediate loaded implants are done, the temporary crown is loaded onto the implant.

3: Attaching the new crown
The final step is the making and placing the permanent crown on the implant. The new tooth is installed permanently.

4: End result
You should expect the new tooth to fit and function just like a natural tooth. Do your usual dental hygiene to keep the tooth and gum around it clean and healthy.

Benefits of A single tooth implant with a ceramic crown


  • Strong & stable (tightly fixed)

  • A stable, secure solution that lets you eat what you want

  • Strength and stability

  • Save adjacent teeth. Prevents bone loss and existing teeth from drifting into the surrounding space of the missing teeth

  • Gives a nice natural smile

  • Offers a long-lasting solution, often for life

  • Saves healthy teeth as eliminates the need to modify healthy teeth

  • No more caries for dental implant

  • Correct an altered bite

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Several teeth replacement

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If multiple teeth are missing in different parts of the mouth, several single tooth implants are good replacement restorations. If multiple teeth are missing within the same region, several missing teeth can sometimes be replaced with fewer implants because dental implants are stronger than the natural tooth roots. This solution includes having implant fixed bridges done.


An implant fixed bridge is very much like a conventional bridge except the support is actually over implants rather than natural teeth. The implants themselves act as man-made roots. A great advantage is that this is that it is self-supporting unlike conventional tooth-supported bridges that put a heavier load on the remaining teeth.


When two or three adjacent teeth are missing, a bridge may be the treatment of choice depending on the condition of the teeth next to the space and the bone supporting these teeth. The more missing teeth to be replaced, the greater the force placed on the remaining teeth which support the artificial teeth.


In some cases, when there are not enough teeth, a conventional bridge is not possible and a removable retrial denture will have to be considered to replace the missing teeth. A partial denture spreads the force to the adjacent teeth as well as to the underlying bone and gum tissue. A removable partial denture is less expensive than a conventional bridge. However, a partial denture is more bulky and less stable than a bridge and metal clasps will frequently be seen when smiling. In some cases, the partial denture may cause deterioration of the natural teeth due to excessive forces.


When an implant is placed in the space where the teeth are missing, it can help by absorbing some of the load created by chewing forces and therefore make it easier for the adjacent natural teeth to withstand the forces. When an implant is placed in the space where the teeth are missing, a bridge may be considered instead of a removable partial denture.


Treatment step of implant fixed bridge for several teeth replacement


The course of treatment described here is one of several options available. Consult your dentist to find out what the best solution is for you, given your specific condition.

Installing  Implant  Fixed Bridge For Several Teeth

1: Before the procedure

Three teeth at back end of the mouth are missing. The bridge contains all teeth in one piece and is anchored on dental implants.

2: Installing the implants

First, the implants are installed. This is normally done in a single session. If conventional implants are done, a healing abutment or cover screw is placed on and left about 2 months to integrate with the jawbone before the next step is taken. If immediate loaded implants can be done, a temporary bridge may be placed at the same time, making it possible for you to function like normal almost immediately after leaving the dentist.

3: Attaching the bridge

The final step is the making and placing of the bridge. The new tooth is installed for permanently.

4: End result

The new bridge will handle all the pressure that your strong, natural back teeth did. You will have a stable and secure solution that allows you to eat what you want.

Benefits of having Implants with Fixed Bridge for several teeth missing


  • Strong & stable (tightly fixed)

  • The only fixed alternative in situation where gaps at the rear end or where there are no natural teeth available for fixed bridge abutment support

  • A stable, secure solution that lets you eat what you want

  • Gives better strength and stability than dentures

  • Preserves your facial appearance and prevents bone loss

  • Gives a nice natural smile

  • Offers a long-lasting solution, often for life

  • Renewed confidence and improved quality of life as well

  • No more caries for dental implant

  • Save adjacent teeth. Prevents bone loss and existing teeth from drifting into surrounding space of the missing teeth

  • Correct an altered bite

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All teeth replacement



When all teeth are missing or in a condition that all teeth need to be replaced, there are two basically types of full arch implant reconstructions options:


  1. Full Arch Dental Implants with Fixed Bridge

  2. Full Arch Dental Implants with Overdentures


Full Arch Dental Implants with Overdentures. Implants allow you to wear full dentures (overdentures) and partial dentures without worrying that they will slip or fall out. When having implants support dentures means that the base of the denture can be made much smaller and more comfortable. This overdenture, implants with screws placed in the jaw will serve as attachments for a metal bar or ball attachment which will help support a removable denture.

  • Full Arch Dental Implants with Fixed Bridge


With today's technologies, it is possible to replace a full jaw with dental implants and a fixed bridge that results in a permanent, stable and high esthetic solution similar to having a new set of teeth again.

Benefits of Full Arch Implants with Fixed Bridge

  • A fixed permanent restoration for individuals who has lost all their teeth

  • Lets you eat and function like having natural teeth

  • A solid, stable solution relative to dentures

  • Preserves your facial appearance and prevents bone loss

  • Immediate Function in mandible and maxilla

  • Gives a nice natural smile, better esthetic relative to dentures

  • Offers a long-lasting solution, often for life

  • Renewed confidence and improved quality of life as well

Installing Full Arch Implants with Fixed Bridges

The course of treatment described here is one of several options available. Consult your dentist to find out what the best solution is for you, given your specific condition.

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Installing Full Arch Implants with Fixed Bridges

1. Before the procedure

The dentist determines what needs to be done and prepares both himself and the patient for the coming treatment procedure.

2. Installing the implants

The first step is installing dental implants to replace the lost tooth roots. The number of implants placed is depending on bone condition and the implantologist judgment. If conventional implants are done, temporary dentures can be opted to be made or your old dentures may be worn that enable you to eat and function while the implants are left to heal and integrate with the jaw bone.

3. Attaching the bridge

The final step is the making and securely installing the fixed bridge on top of the implants.

4. End result

Your new teeth should be hard to tell from natural – both for you and others. People who have had traditional dentures before getting a fixed bridge often describe this as an overwhelming and very positive experience.

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Full Arch Dental Implants with Overdentures

Implants allow you to wear full dentures (overdentures) and partial dentures without worrying that they will slip or fall out. When having implants support dentures means that the base of the denture can be made much smaller and more comfortable. This overdenture, implants with screws placed in the jaw will serve as attachments for a metal bar or ball attachment which will help support a removable denture.


Benefits of Full Arch Implants with Overdentures


  • Denture stabilized with implants

  • Possible to use existing dentures

  • Removable

  • Simple and Inexpensive

  • Offers a long-lasting solution, often for life

  • Renewed confidence and improved quality of life as well

  • ​

Treatment step for Full Arch Implants with Overdentures


The course of treatment described here is one of several options available. Consult your dentist to find out what the best solution is for you, given your specific condition.


Installing Full Arch Implants with Overdentures

1. Before the procedure

The dentist determines what needs to be done and prepares both himself and the patient for the coming treatment procedure.

2. Installing the implants

The first step is installing dental implants to replace the lost tooth roots. In this case, two implants are used. Four implants may be placed in cases for added overdenture retention. Temporary dentures may be worn that enable you to eat and function like normal while waiting for the permanent overdenture to be installed.

3. Attaching ball/bar and making overdentures

A ball or bar is then attached on top of the implants and the overdentures installed over. The ball or bar acts as a clip that enables the overdentures to snap securely in place.

4. End result

The removable overdentures are securely clipped on top of the implant with the ball/bar giving the strength and stability that allows you to better than with conventional dentures.


Types of Dental Implants

There are two basic types of implants available at our dental clinic.



The type of dental implants selected will be dependent on the patients' specific needs and general dental condition. A panoramic x-ray and/or CT scan are usually required to evaluate the amount of bone, determine the space available and for a thorough examination to diagnosing the options best suited for each case.
There are a variety of dental implant systems available on the market. The most popular systems is the Nobel Biocare implant systems. This has had long-standing histories in the field of producing dental implants and has its own ranges of lines.

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Conventional Implant


With today's advancements in dental implant and bone grafting techniques, materials and technologies, almost anyone with missing teeth can now have dental implant treatments done. Conventional implants techniques have had good long-standing success rates.


Also due to new developments in implant technologies and techniques, immediate implants and immediate loaded implants are now possible that can dramatically shorten treatment


Conventional Dental Implants Procedure


The implant procedure is the same whether one or all teeth are missing. Below outlines what you may expect during dental implant treatment:


1. First evaluation and x-ray

  • A panoramic x-ray and oral examination is done to determine implant site and bone condition


2. Implant site preparation and Placing the Implant

  • The gum tissue is opened to expose the bone area where the implant will be placed

  • In situations where there is insufficient bone structure, bone grafting may be a recommended procedure

  • Once healthy bone material has been established, the implant is ready to be put into place

  • After the bone has been prepared, the implant is embedded and the tissue is sutured


3. Healing Process - Osseointegration

  • The implant is left to integrate and heal with the jaw bone usually 4-6 months

  • The sutures are typically removed seven to fourteen days after surgery


4. Attaching the Abutment or metal bar/ball and Placing the Crown/Bridge or Overdenture

  • When the gum tissue is ready, the impressions are taken to make a working model for dental laboratory process.

  •  A special abutment or metal bar/ball is selected and attached to the implant

  • The custom made crown/bridge or overdenture is then fixed or snapped onto the abutment or metal bar/ball.


Immediate Implants


Due to implant material, techniques and technological developments, the completion time for conventional dental implants has now been cut short from 4-6 months to 2 months.


In cases where bone condition and density are favorable, dental implants can now be embedded after tooth extraction. Such techniques being referred to as immediate implant, one-day implants, single day implants or same day implants. This means that the patient have new tooth roots upon leaving the office.

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Immediate loaded implants

In addition, for certain cases, permanent or temporary prosthetics may be loaded immediately during the same treatment visit when the dental implants are surgical placed. This is known as immediate loaded implants. The immediate loading of dental implants shortens the treatment time and makes it possible to give the patient an esthetic appearance during the whole treatment period.


New prefabricated components such as Nobel Biocare's Branemark, Replace Select Straight, Replace Select Tapered Dental, Nobel Direct, Nobel Prefect Implant system as well as Osstem implant system are now enables shorter treatment time. These prefabricated components are made to fit practically all types of jaw bone and enables adjustments to be made in meeting individual esthetic and functional needs.

Benefits of Immediate Loaded Implants


  • Immediately functioning teeth

  • Good esthetic results

  • Shorter treatment time with minimized pain


Immediate Loaded Dental Implants Procedure


The treatment procedure and steps for immediate loaded implants are the same as that for conventional implants, the main difference being that the temporary crown or bridge is loaded onto the implants after its surgical placement.


  • First evaluation and x-ray to determine implant site and bone condition

  • Implant site preparation

  • Placing the implant and installing the temporary crowns or bridges

  • Placing the permanent crown or bridge


An immediate loaded implant does not apply to all cases and is dependent on the individual's bone quality and condition.


Following placement of the artificial roots in the jaw, the bone may be sore and the surrounding gums tender and swollen. Patients are, however, able to go about their normal daily activities a day after surgery avoiding any rigorous physical exercises or activities.


For your immediate loaded implants, the same post care instructions apply as that of conventional dental implants. Dental implants require the same care as real teeth, including brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups.


Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria for Immediate Implants and Immediate Loaded Implants


Below is a list of some of the inclusion/ exclusion criteria for immediate implants and immediate loaded implants. This list is non-exhaustive and its feasibility is also dependent on the judgment of your implantologist on an individualized case basis.


  1. If you have a fractured or decayed tooth that needs to be extracted, a dental implant may be placed at the time of the tooth extraction. However, if your fractured or decayed tooth is infected, immediate dental implant placement is not advisable. There should be no apical disorder or inflammation at the area of the implant site.

  2. Good bone/soft tissue quality and quantity is required for immediate implants to be successful, thus immediate implants and immediate loaded may not be applicable to all cases. Different bone volume and density and preparation techniques will influence the level of stability.

  3. The patient should be healthy and compliant with good oral hygiene.

  4. Other criteria include having good gingival/ periodontal or periapical status of adjacent teeth as well as favorable and stable occlusal relationship.


As with any procedure, it is always important to consult with your dental specialists on whether a particular treatment such as immediate implant and immediate loaded implants are suitable for you.


Recovery Expectations


Following placement of the artificial roots in the jaw, the bone may be sore and the surrounding gums tender and swollen. Patients are, however, able to go about their normal daily activities a day after surgery avoiding any rigorous physical exercises or activities.


Dental Implants Company

Osstem Dental Implant

Osstem Implant's dental implant field has improved its technological progress in bio-osseointegration design and surface treatment technology through continuous research and development and is aiming to become the best in the world.


Outstanding Biocompatibility


Excellent osseointegration between bone and implants. The superior biocompatibility to the bone is attributed to the RBM (Resorbable Blasting Media) surface treatment that uses HA (Hydroxyapatite), which is a major inorganic component (calcium phosphate) of bone and teeth


Optimal Surface Roughness


Osseointegration can be enhanced by the optimal surface conditions. Increasing the contact area with the bone facilitates osseointegration. As such, the surface roughness of OSSTEM Implants ranges 1.2 ~ 1.8, which has been reported as an optimal level of osseointegration. Uniform roughness is also maintained all over the screw threads.


Verification of stability


Proven safety based on various biological tests.
All products of OSSTEM are studied and developed following the verification of biological safety.

1) Cytotoxicity tests (ISO10993-5) : The cytotoxicity tests that were carried out with the extraction eluates from fixtures showed none cytotoxic response.
2) Sensitization tests (ISO10993-10) : The tests designed to assess contact sensitivity revealed no symptoms of erythema or edema; thus proving that the products cause
neither allergy nor sensitization reaction.
3) Intradermal tests (ISO10993-10) : Neither erythema nor edema was observed during the test designed to assess the local reaction of the tissue, thereby proving that the product is safe for the human body.


Products superior surface cleanliness


Surface cleanliness is the most important factor in successful implant surgeries. Through the Automatic Cleaning System developed by OSSTEM unique technology, OSSTEM produces clean products completely free from residual substances including organic contaminants.

Post Operative Care and maintenance

Following placement of the artificial roots in the jaw, the bone may be sore and the surrounding gums tender and swollen. Patients are, however, able to go about their normal daily activities a day after surgery avoiding any rigorous physical exercises or activities.


Post care Instructions for Dental Implants


  1. Only liquid foods may be consumed during the first day in order to avoid inadvertent food particles contaminating the wound and semi-liquid (Mashed) food added during the rest of the week

  2. Avoid eating or drinking anything very hot or cold during the first day after the operation

  3. Moderate post-operative swelling is a normal reaction. However, If you have excessive swelling, severe pain or persistent bleeding please contact the clinic

  4. Use antiseptic mouth wash rinses as directed

  5. Smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages should be avoided

  6. Old dentures may not be worn until adjustments have been made. Early insertion of dentures may delay or affect healing

  7. Avoid putting heavy pressure around the implant site during healing period


Care for Dental Implants


Dental implants require the same care as real teeth, including brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups:


  • Brush after eating and before bedtime around the implant with a soft toothbrush

  • Floss at least once to twice a day. Use the proxy brush or floss threader to remove plaque under and around these areas to maintain good oral hygiene. Buildup of food debris and plaque on your teeth and gums can become infected.

  • Rinse with fluoride rinse before bed. Swish the fluoride rinse vigorously in your mouth for at least one minute. Do not swallow any of the rinse and do not eat or drink anything for 30 minutes

  • Be careful about chewing toffees, gum, grainy rolls and tough food in this area

  • See your dentist for regular professional check-ups and cleanings

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